The development of the economy and the sustainability of any country are closely linked to the progress of technology and the development of technical education. Technical and technological knowledge is very diverse and is characterised by rapid and unpredictable dynamics that require constant adaptation in order to achieve the objectives of education and training. To successfully meet these challenges, modern educational methods involve a contextualised approach that promises practical learning and the application of knowledge in the context of students' lives and actions. One of the very effective strategies of this approach is project-based learning (PjBL), which can play a key role in the curriculum where students develop technical competences. However, despite numerous benefits, the implementation of project-based learning can encounter various challenges that often demotivate teachers when implementing PjBL. The aim of this article is therefore to explain the importance and significance of project-based learning, but also to encourage teachers and make it easier for them to implement PjBL in their own classrooms. The paper therefore gives an overview of the theoretical foundations and the contribution of project-based learning to the development of students' technical skills, especially in the context of teaching technical culture. At the same time, it analyses the technological changes that are shaping the curriculum and educational needs and presents a concrete example of the implementation of a project aimed at eighth grade primary school students. The aim of this type of learning is not only to inform students, i.e. to acquire knowledge, but also to encourage their creativity, their ability to find practical solutions and to work in the world of engineering and technology, as well as the individual development of each student according to their abilities and preferences.References
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