Object recognition in marine surveillance cameras
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computer vision
neural networks
small object detection
ship detection računalni vid
neuronske mreže
mali objekti
detekcija brodova

How to Cite

Pobar, M. (2024). Object recognition in marine surveillance cameras. Polytechnica, 8(1), 42-49. https://doi.org/10.36978/cte.8.1.4


Automatic object detection in maritime surveillance or panoramic camera images opens up possibilities for automatic traffic monitoring, unauthorized movement detection, and hazard or pollution identification. This study investigates the performance of models based on the YOLOv7 architecture for the task of detecting vessels and buoys in images captured by panoramic and surveillance cameras. The models are trained on a dedicated dataset comprising diverse maritime scenes created for this purpose, utilizing transfer learning from models trained on generic images. Additionally, two variants of input handling strategies are examined, and the use of the input image cropping strategy significantly improves detection results, especially for small objects, compared to the baseline model.  
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