The development of each country's economy is closely linked to the development of technology and technical education. Technological and engineering knowledge is characterized by diversity and highly unpredictable development dynamics. Therefore, this area of learning and teaching is subject to change and harmonization with the dynamics of technology development and the problems of successfully achieving the goals of teaching. In order to neutralize these problems, contextual approaches to learning and teaching, such as project-based learning, need to be implemented in modern teaching. This paper elaborates on such implementation within the curriculum of the subject Technical Culture. A model of contextual learning and student development was used as a template for implementation. In this sense, project teaching and learning occupy a central place in the curriculum, during which most learning outcomes are achieved. The paper also provides an example of implementation for 8th grade, which can make it easier for teachers and practitioners to operationalize their own curriculum. At the same time, the teacher remains the main creator and moderator of teaching, where it is important to set certain restrictions for students, anticipate suggestions for solving problems and guide students to the successful completion of activities. Nevertheless, the real effect of applying this approach on student achievement will be possible to evaluate only if it comes to life in real teaching practice, which is expected in the near future.References
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