Preferences of primary school pupils for technical electives regarding regional differences and urbanity
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elective teaching
technical culture
primary school izborna nastava
tehnička kultura
osnovna škola

How to Cite

Kovačević, S. (2024). Preferences of primary school pupils for technical electives regarding regional differences and urbanity. Polytechnica, 8(1), 22-31.


Electives play an important role in the education of students at all levels of education. The principle of electives is a legally guaranteed right of primary school students in the Republic of Croatia, but in the context of technical culture, this right cannot be realized in the immediate educational process. The research conducted here on a sample of 2312 pupils from all over Croatia aimed to determine whether there are possible differences in preferences for the elective content of technical culture in relation to the regional affiliation and urbanity of the pupils' living environment. At the same time, a hierarchical structure of preferences for optional technical content was created. The research results show the absolute consistency of the hierarchical structure of preferences for optional technical content, which is independent of regional affiliation and the urbanity of the living environment. If one also takes into account the results of the previous research, which showed that the hierarchical structure of preferences for elective technical content is independent of the age and gender of the students, there is no question that it provides an empirically validated basis for the creation of a curriculum for elective technical teaching, but also an experience-based point of reference for the obvious and necessary interventions in the curriculum of technical culture as a compulsory subject.
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