Empowering teachers to use digital technologies in the classroom is now considered one of the most important strategies and challenges of the modern education system. Recognising its importance and application in technology education leads to a modern approach to teaching that abandons the exclusive use of traditional teaching methods and tools. This article addresses the importance and application of simulation tools in the classroom, focussing on the use of the Tinkercad simulator in the teaching of technical culture. Tinkercad is a free web application that supports, among other things, the creation and programming of various automatic electronic circuits and can be successfully integrated into the classroom as a tool for carrying out practical work in the field of electronics and automation. The introductory part of the article gives an overview of digital technologies that can be used in the classroom. It also describes the main features of digital simulation tools for teaching and their advantages over traditional tools. Finally, a brief overview of the web simulator Tinkercad is given, focussing on its application in teaching technical culture.References
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