Citizen complaints about environmental pollution are increasingly related to the presence of odours which are unfortunately the result of urban and industrial development and are the cause of multiple health-related problems. Odours also have an impact on the value of properties, tourism, and productivity. Human sense of smell is a protective mechanism and currently constitutes the most sensitive tool available for assessing the smells cape. Pollution contributes to dysfunction of the sense of smell and disrupts the quality of life. The paper reviews the parameters of smell, odour measurement methods, as well as the factors characterizing the nuisance caused by odour. Particular attention is drawn to the regulatory framework valid in different countries and regions which is related to odours, including regulations, standards, and guidelines. The presence of odours in a community is also the matter of non-compliance with environmental justice. The Republic of Croatia does not yet have odour regulations in place, although the Law on Ownership and Other Real Property Rights includes a provision on imissions stating that nobody can employ or use the property so as to cause, among others, the odours to penetrate another's property, while emitting unpleasant odours is considered the interference with property rights. In authors’ opinion, the Republic of Croatia and local self-governments may adopt and adapt the provisions applied in other countries because odours should be prevented and the effect of their emissions subject to limitations.References
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